Our School
The German Language School of the North Bay was founded in 1967 in Novato, California, by families seeking to preserve the German cultural heritage and language within the rich multicultural landscape of Sonoma and Marin. Today, we carry on that mission as a non-profit Saturday school and community committed to furthering the language, culture, and customs of German-speaking countries to our local community and beyond—just as we have for over 40 years.
We are a proud member of the non-profit German American School Association of Northern California (GASANC), which is dedicated to supporting the cause of Saturday schools in Northern California. We are also members of and connected with other supporting clubs, schools, and organizations associated with German culture, language and events in San Francisco and the North Bay. Take a look at our Resources section for more information about our German community connections.
As a non-profit, our support is through registration, fundraisers, tax-deductible donations, and grants. Our school membership consists of teachers, administrators, professionals, and paraprofessionals passionate about the advancement of German. We are run by an all-volunteer board that wishes to carry on the strong traditions of our school and share that culture with others. Our membership is made up of the parents of enrolled students as well as all the adult students.
Class Days and Times
Our classes meet Saturday mornings (excluding holidays) from 9:30am until noon at both campuses. Please see our calendar for the Saturdays school is in session or download our complete calendar (PDF). For questions, feel free to contact us.